Boat Transport
Miles Marine is a family owned Boat Transport Company that has been in the Boat Hauling business since 1984. We pride ourselves on excellent customer service, this has been instrumental in supporting our reputation as an outstanding Boat Hauling Company. Reliability is a must in this industry to maintain the reputation we enjoy. Miles Marine strives to maintain a tight schedule as we realize that you the customer and the boat yards and marinas involved are counting on us to be on time. We are consumers like you and treat all the vessels we move as if they were our own!
Big To Small Boats
Our experienced, dedicated drivers have the knowledge and driving skills to transport your boat safely and professionally. They are all highly trained and experienced at transporting oversize boats. We always use the required escorts and high poles, when state regulations require them. They know how the boat must be supported, balanced, stabilized and secured. They know how to properly distribute the weight on both the boat, and the trailer axles and how to correctly secure the boat to the trailer. We’ll match the right boat trailer and driver for the proper transport of your boat. Our drivers will complete a thorough condition check of your boat prior to loading and again at offloading.